Day #586: Coffee Time
5999 Pixels Painted
Day #585: A Dance of Skeletons
5792 Pixels Painted
Day #584: Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
6000 Pixels Painted
Day #583: 3.14 Pi Day
Day #582: In the Washing Machine
Day #581: Synthwave
Day #580: Not Enough Mana
Day #579: Self Portraits 2: Anime Edition
Day #578: Hungry Octopus
Day #577: Chess match
Day #576: The cat got into the paint!
Day #575: Log Cabin
5995 Pixels Painted
Day #574: BP Acid Rave Party
Day #573: Firefly Night
4252 Pixels Painted
Day #572: No Comment
Day #571: Memecoin Graveyard
Day #570: ETH Denver BasePaint Meetup
Day #569: Ship of Theseus